eight partners造句
- By the final draft last fall, there were eight partners.
- By 1993, BuroHappold had 130 employees and eight partners.
- Xiaomi was co-founded by eight partners on 6 April 2010.
- The project consortium is composed of eight partners from four different countries.
- Six NATO countries and eight partner nations are taking part in the exercise.
- The Physics Department is one of eight partners in the $ 500 million Giant Magellan Telescope.
- Together the eight partners are investing more than $ 25 million of their money in the fund.
- But he said the eight partners believe both sides must not prejudge tough issues on their own.
- Eight partners controlled 80 % of the bank, while the Wegelin family owned the other 20 %.
- In 2008, the firm was run by eight partners, including Askew and Ferguson, and employed about thirty registered architects.
- It's difficult to see eight partners in a sentence. 用eight partners造句挺难的
- Education Pioneers began with the summer Graduate School Fellowship, serving eight Partner organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2004.
- "I'd go door to door to seven or eight partners and tell them that I was free ."
- He is 5-2-8 in the Ryder Cup, and he already has had eight partners in 12 team matches.
- "At this point, people value independents, " said John Siciliano, one of the company's eight partners.
- The company was founded in 1991 by eight partners who worked out of an office in Houston that they borrowed from another company at night.
- Altogether, eight partners and two associate partners own a stake in the firm, whose gross annual billings amount to $ 15.5 million.
- Clinton also indicated the eight partners support four party talks over the Korean peninsula involving North Korea, South Korea, the United States and China.
- Trisadee said the business generated enough revenue for a decent living for himself and eight partners, albeit with less luxury than he used to enjoy.
- Originally, each of the eight partners would hold weekly meetings on a Thursday to discuss their projects and be open to design input and ideas.
- In a meeting in Sydney, Australia in March 2012, the United States pledged to eight partner nations that there would be no more program delays.
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